Movie Posters with DALL-E 3 AI

DALL-E 3 is the latest and greatest in a line of AI image generation models from OpenAI. It is capable of creating photorealistic images from text descriptions, and its potential for creating stunning movie posters is vast.

With DALL-E 3, artists can create posters that are truly unique and eye-catching. They can explore different genres, styles, and concepts without being limited by the constraints of traditional filmmaking. For example, DALL-E 3 can create posters for movies that don’t even exist yet, or for movies with fantastical elements that would be difficult or impossible to film.

DALL-E 3 is great for making movie posters. We tried to recreate some of the best know moves posters and here is the result:

We used the prompt: Create a movie poster for the movie [name of the movie]

Lord of the Rings




The Shining

Pulp Fiction

Jurassic Park

Fight Club

Star Wars

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